Another quickie post to check in. I need accountability so badly, but time is at a premium these days, but I'm not complaining. Last Monday, I welcomed another granddaughter, Emma, into this wild world. I'm so lucky to have three wonderful, healthy and busy grandchildren! Hannah, 15, already knows more about what she wants to be than I yet know! Cameron, almost eight, should probably be a vet! I've never seen a kid who loved living creatures from ants to polar bears more than she does! Then there's baby Emma who had a bumpy ride on her way to the land of the living, but is totally healthy and well now - yay! We're about to go see her now, but wanted to write something about this past week.
I'm excited by the pounds down at this point. I've lost four more pounds since I last posted on weigh day. I'm looking forward to a trip back east for a couple of readings in New York at the end of February and the work and workouts are keeping me super-pumped in mind, body and spirit. I just miss my connection to blogger friends and hope I can post more often in the next few weeks. I'm off to see Emma now, but will catch up on some of your posts a bit later and wish you all a restful Sunday!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
Congratulations on the new addition and the pounds gone!
Wow, you've just got joy all around! Congratulations on the new grandchild!
Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments - again, not much time at this point but I know I'll have a block this weekend to catch up and see what you all are up to!
Welcome baby Emma! It sounds like life is treating you well!
Wow, a new grandchild. How wonderful! congratulations!
Congrats on the best blessing in life! Looking forward to finally getting to read your blog when we move back to the US!
Thanks again for inspiring so many of us!!
Blessings - Jen
I mean read your book.....LOL
Sorry, typo! :)
Good typo Jen, as time for the blog has been near to nothing and I've been on a couple of trips. More travel next week and then NY the following for reading - so I will get back to the important biz of this blog - soon - things going well vis a vis exercise, weight, life! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
Hey Miche!
I miss reading your posts, hope things are great and you're back with us soon. :) I'm 1/2 way through your book and I have my first official training client today. Thanks for the inspiration!
Okay! Returning in a week or so; just got back from a reading in NY, which was awesome and amazing and so much fun. NY just buzzes with energy as so many of you know! Baby Em's doing great after a bad cold and we have another grandchild's bday this eve - the events pile up and work, for now keeps my book full, so I am very, very lucky. Sandrelle - congrats on the client - You go, girl! You look simply fabulous and have so much to teach so many folks out there!
xo Miche
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