I haven’t posted daily this week because I seem to have done something to myself that prevents me from moving very much. I’m a bit P.O.d, to say the least. I just got over that crud I had and now... (dreaded word)... INJURY. I managed to get to a body worker I know yesterday, and my hour of intense pain (screams and whining!) with him produced miracles. Even though I am extremely skeptical of alternative treatments for injury or sickness, this guy has come through every single time I’ve done something dumb. The only problem that remains is that I can’t lift until next week or do any intense cardio—just walks. UGHHHHHHH!!!!! I’m sick of being sick!
Even though I’ve lost weight for the last couple of weeks, I'm not hoping for any downward movement on the scale tomorrow. Several of your posts have reminded me that in the scheme of things, life can really be very good, despite setbacks. I have a multitude of gifts to be thankful for—the blogosphere is teaching me about the power of gratitude. I send major thanks to you all for that and so much more. The weight will come off. But here’s a problem I can’t help with.
My son hadn’t called his grandmother (my 80-year old, very fit-for-her-age mother) for a couple of months. He phoned her yesterday morning, to what must have been her surprise, but she told him that she couldn’t talk at that moment as “someone was coming to put a cast on her hip.” Son called me, so I immediately tried to get through on this bit of news. Now, the night before, my sister-in-law had called and we caught up on some belated Thanksgiving doings and family. She told me that my mother’s Lhasa dog had broken her leg and was wearing a cast. I hadn’t heard about that either. All my extended family lives in or near New York City.
By yesterday afternoon, I was thoroughly confused and couldn’t reach ANYONE back east. Finally this morning, I was able to contact my sister, who confirmed that on Tuesday afternoon, my mother (who has had two hip replacement surgeries) reached down from a chair to pat her dog (who did have a cast) and dislocated her hip. She had to drag herself to the phone in excruciating pain and then spent all night in the hospital having her hip reset. Ouch and I can’t tell you how much I wish I’d been there. My sister was with our mom, however, for which I’m also grateful, but I also can’t believe I didn’t get any calls about this—argghhhh!
So, my son called just as she’d gotten home from the hospital yesterday morning and someone had just arrived to fit a brace on her hip. And her constant companion doggie has gone for a month to our aunt’s house, so I’m worried about my mother being lonely a little. Sometimes, I just wish I could afford a pied a terre in NY, but that won’t happen soon. It's a problem I can't fix for her although I can be supportive and positive. I can wish all I want, but as Mom used to say to us kids, “If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.”
Happy Thursday, everyone. I’m very lucky to be able to take a nice walk today and get to work. But I’m glad I have a place to vent my stuff. For that, I'm extremely grateful.