Fall cleaning today arghhh! And yet I’m actually enjoying it, in a meditative way. I’m also finding things that I’ve been searching for since... oh, months ago (doh!). Cleaning out my office and clothes— polishing, scrubbing and vacuuming all have their magnificent benefits. Besides, a sparkling, unpolluted house works wonders on my soul as well. (And maybe good for a few burned kcals.) I tend to forget about food as well when I get into a project like this. Forget about FOOD? Perhaps I should go into the housekeeping business...
Why did I decide to do this on such a magnificent day—one that is so beautiful that I should really be enjoying in its entire fall splendor, hiking or biking? Well, last week, I was picking up my granddaughter from school out in west Marin, and I met another parent, here from France for just three months. My daughter-in-law had told me that Cameron (my grandchild) had a new best friend who spoke very little English, named Yonàh. Now just a day before, I’d been thinking of my childhood Thanksgivings back in Connecticut, when my parents would always invite someone to our table who was leagues away from home. Usually, they would find our guest(s) through the U.N. Our experience was enriched in many ways by our visitor’s company. Here, outside Cameron’s school, was an opportunity just waiting, so we immediately invited our new acquaintances to Thanksgiving (that will take a few blogs) at our house. This is the catalyst that has precipitated the need for our mad housecleaning, of course.
As I mentioned, there are immense bennies from a thorough scrub, and even though I’m not nearly done, I feel a huge weight lifted (maybe another quarter pound?) from my shoulders and a feeling of giddiness for getting rid of so much clutter (where does it ever come from?). Going to get back to it now, but thought I’d write in my nice clean new office! Happy fall days to you all.
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
Oh, gosh, I really need to get started now, picking my apartment up just to be ready by Christmas. Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you for your nice comments on my blog ... it does sound as if we have a few things in common. :) I'm a LONG way from maintenance, but am looking forward to your book on the subject since I'm actually nervous about that phase. Good job on the cleaning -- and on inviting the visitors for T'giving.
oooh Im all for you doing the housekeeping biz...and can you come HERE to start?
Ill help I just need some prodding...
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