Saturday, November 1, 2008

How Long Has It Been? Catch-up!

No excuses here, but I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks. Tempus fugit. I’ve been eating the fejoa that have dropped from the tree outside. It’s a fruit that looks similar to a kiwi, but doesn’t have the fuzz and is a brighter green. It tastes like a combination of apple and pineapple. I cut the fruit in half and scoop the inside out with a large spoon—yum!

I just returned from a trip to Colorado Springs, where I attended a conference organized by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. I am certified by the N.S.C.A. and need to “re-up” my cert. by the end of December. I’ve been short two educational units, so I decided to grace the grand ballroom of the Antlers Hotel with my presence. Little did I realize how scientific the keynote addresses would be! While the main goal of the conference was to present the most current research on strength and power training, I should have read the small print that included the words: “ ...scientific international...” Most of the information went flying over my head. The material was intended for doctors, high level university professors and exercise physiologists with Phds.

So I went for a walk on the second afternoon and explored downtown Colorado Springs. It was a gorgeous fall day, 70 degrees, with a lovely, warm breeze. I stopped by a couple of realtors to check out the prices—more bang for the buck here than in the bay area! Then I headed for the Fine Arts Center and had a look around. There was a good show by Walt Kuhn (Place and Time – An Imaginary History of the West) and a terrific showing of the permanent collection that I enjoyed immensely. I walked back towards town and perused stores that were selling typically western items—jewelry, boots, sweaters with bear and elk patterns woven in, and general kitsch. Then I headed for “home.” I had a massage appointment. Woohoo!

An excellent rub-down from a guy named Ruby, who is from India. His business card sports an amazing variety of offerings:

Yoga, Religion, Healing in India/Nepal/Bhutan/Tibet
Motorcycle Rides & Treks in the Himalayas
Volunteering at Christian/English Schools, Organic Farms
Safari’s (sic) in South Africa, Kenya & Tanzania
Rail & Bicycling in Europe & England
Must see bargains: Russia, Romania, Bulgaria

Ruby, you’re famous! And you are a good masseuse, a talent that you don’t mention on your biz card! Tomorrow: the great Halloween party last night, and my attempts at resisting the s'mores.


ptg said...

What are you certified as? (I have my CSCS from the NSCA) I'm totally curious now!

LastJourneyDown said...

Hi! So glad you commented! NSCA-CPT. Where do you work - my degree is in English, so CSCS is way over my head!