Love reading all the Thanksgiving posts! Late yesterday afternoon, I picked up the youngest (7-year old) grandkid, along with her new friend from France, who is only here for three months. Once home, I gave them a container of street chalk. They went to town on our patio, which is concrete with brick, and in bold colors drew turkeys, hearts, and houses with smoke curling up the chimneys. They even outlined each other in white chalk (weird, eh?). Then they made one last huge heart and wrote, “Things you are greatful (sic) for.” The list was long, but four words that stand out are, “Love,” Exercise,” “Shelter,” and “Feries” (sic). Out of the mouths of babes.
I’ve enjoyed reading some of your blogs that discuss the use of gratitude lists in your daily lives—something I’m woefully and often neglectful of. I know it would clean up the edges of my life that are not in synch with my desires, so to speak (write). It may be a cliché, but each and every autumn, I’m apt to eat more (bad) food for some reason, and this tendency (me) doesn’t seem to (want to) quit until late February or March. Could it be the shorter days, longer nights? The grand triumvirate of holidays along with the food that says it’s absolutely and unequivocally vital to celebrate these events with food? With lots and lots of carby kcals—more than I could have dared to guess, according to blogland? Yikes! I guess... yes.
So, I’ve finally unharnessed myself from the house for more than carpools and tame dog walks. I got in some remedial exercise this morning and have set aside time for some lifting a little later. Ditto tomorrow morning early, early. Feel so much better that I believe I can pull off a houseful of 14 folks tomorrow. Funny thing: when I cook a good meal for others (our menu is nice and healthy!), I end up eating relatively little. My focus is on the many small details that seem to wipe out the desire to consume, despite the fact that I’m cooking a lot of food for a lot of people. It’s almost a meditative process. I’m not a great cook, but I find that I really concentrate on the kitchen skills if a bunch of people show up!
It’s rare that I fix anything too yummy—food that appeals to my inner addict, however. This year, we’re sharing dinner with several Thanksgiving “orphans.” I’m incredibly grateful for so many things, but friends and family top the list. I’m thankful also, for finding this blogging community. So very quickly have I received so much warmth and support from you gals/guys and I thank you so much. I could pen my gratitude list here, but it wouldn’t come close to the thoughts written in a chalked heart on our patio. Happy Thanksgiving all!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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